The Definitive Autocross Tire Guide

The Autocross Diaries By: Jasper Gantriis So, you're going into your next autocross event. You've done your initial preparations, hopefully with the help of my guide. If not, check out my last post for the best initial practices for your autocross event prep here. For those who do not know, I am Jasper Gantriis. I am relatively new to autocross, but have attended a number of events, and had some moderate success in the Novice and STH (Street Touring Hatchback) classes through the MNAutox events. I have spent months diving into the intricacies of this surprisingly complex sport, and want to help you get better, because let's face it, it's more fun when you win. For today's topic, we will be talking about tires. Tires are incredibly important in Autocross, because they are (hopefully) the only part of your car that actually touches the road. Different tires provide different levels of grip, and different classes allow only certain types of tires. Th...